Update: As of May 2011, the revision has been submitted for ballot by ISO. Committee work on ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 is completed!
Anyone interested in architecture evaluation may want to consider participation in WG42's new work item on evaluation.
Working drafts of the joint revision of ISO/IEC 42010 (IEEE P42010), Systems and Software Engineering — Architecture Description will be prepared and distributed to interested parties in ISO and IEEE.
If you would like to serve as a reviewer and be notified of each working draft, you should join the IEEE 1471 reviewers list.
To join the IEEE reviewers list, send an email to:
The body of the message should contain:
subscribe IEEE-1471-reviewers-list Your Name
Commenting: Comments on drafts are solicited from the public, IEEE and ISO. Please use the ISO commenting template for comment submissions – unless directed otherwise as part of a balloting package. (This template is an excel file.) Refer to the ISO Commenting Guide for rules on comment submission.
WD4 (D6 for IEEE) is in ballot by ISO and IEEE. If you would like to submit comments as an individual, please use the ISO commenting form (see above).
If you would like to participate in IEEE Standards Sponsor Ballot for P42010, Systems and Software Engineering — Architecture Description you must enroll as a member of the ballot group by 10-Mar-2009, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. (Details below.)
To join ballot group, visit:
Open ballot invitations
To participate, you must have access to myProject through an IEEE Web Account:
If you are not an IEEE SA Member, you can either enroll in a single ballot by paying a per-ballot fee or you can join the IEEE SA by choosing an option below. Joining the IEEE SA entitles you to participate in as many sponsor ballots as you like for the year.
OPTION 1: You are already an IEEE Member and want to add Standards Association Membership. Go to: Add SA.
OPTION 2: You are not an IEEE Member but would like to enroll in both IEEE and IEEE Standards Association. Go to: Join IEEE and SA.
OPTION 3: You are not interested in becoming an IEEE Member, however would like to enroll as a Standards Association Member only. Go to: Join SA only.
September 2008 WD3 has been transmitted to ISO. This draft fixes a number of minor points, cleans up terms and definitions and the conceptual model, but does not introduce any major changes. A number of open issues will be discussed at the next WG42 meeting (November 2008, Monterrey) prior to Committee Draft 1 (CD1). A list of the open issues will be posted here.
March 2008 WD2 has been transmitted to ISO and is now available for review.
July 2007 The first working draft (WD1) was transmitted to the ISO Secretariat for distribution on 4 July 2007. Among the new areas addressed in the revision: architecture frameworks, architecture evaluation, view correspondences, alignment with life cycle models (ISO 15288, ISO 12207).
At the Montreal meeting (October 2007), WG42 decided that the next working draft of ISO 42010, WD2, would be available to ISO and IEEE in early March 2008. Given the schedule for WD2, WG42 can take comments on WD1 to be received no later than: 2 February 2008.
All comments received through IEEE and ISO have been reviewed and included in comment disposition. Some were directly incorporated into WD2, the rest are on the agenda for the Berlin meeting.
Resources for the ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 website provided by Olimpia.com. Comments, corrections, suggestions on this site to: Webmaster.WD1, available: 4 July 2007
WD2, available: 6 March 2008
WD3, available: 14 Sep 2008
Produced "pre CD" draft further refined at editorial meeting in Reston, VA 13–15 Jan 2009, leading to:
WD4 = CD registration = IEEE draft D6: available 26 Jan 2009
Resolution of comments on WD4.
Preparation of CD1
FCD distributed 8 June 2010.
Resolution of comments on FCD.
FDIS is being balloted.