ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 was approved for use and published in 2011. The
Standard was the product of joint development by ISO and IEEE to
revise IEEE Std 1471:2000, following the fast-track adoption of the
IEEE Standard by ISO in 2006.
In 1995, the IEEE Architecture Planning Group (APG) was chartered
by the IEEE Software Engineering Standards Committee (note: SESC
is now S2ESC –
Software and Systems Engineering Standards Committee) to set the
direction for the next generation of architecture-related standards
and practices for the IEEE.
IEEE APG Charter, approved by SESC,
20 August 1995.
IEEE APG Action Plan [PDF].
The Action Plan was the primary result of the APG
deliberations, making recommendations to SESC to
undertake the development of a recommended practice (a
"recommended practice" is one form of IEEE standard)
for architectural description.
IEEE Architecture Planning Group, Toward a
Recommended Practice for Architectural
This paper, presented at the 2nd IEEE International
Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems,
in 1996, provides the rationale and background for the
APG's recommendations to IEEE SESC.
The IEEE Architecture Working Group (AWG) was formed from the
earlier planning group. The AWG was responsible for implementing the
APG's recommendations and chartered with developing IEEE 1471,
Recommended Practice for Architectural Description.
Design Specification for IEEE 1471
The Design Specification reflects AWG's "contract"
with its sponsor, IEEE Software Engineering Standards Committee
(SESC) on the form and content of the standard. Approved by SESC, 22
August 1997.
Introducing IEEE P1471
A brief introduction to IEEE P1471, vintage April 1999.
1 March 1999
The first ballot on IEEE P1471 closed.
[See First Ballot Status]
October 1998
P1471 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), version 1 released. Current version:
IEEE 1471 FAQ.
Questions and answers about IEEE 1471 in the FAQ style.
November 1999
Ballot resolution on IEEE P1471/4.1 has been completed. A revised
version 5.2 has been prepared, addressing all open issues. This
version will be distributed to the ballot group. Anyone else can
request it from the AWG.
20 June 2000
NESCOM approved the (revised) P1471 PAR, with the following administrative changes:
- Title changed to: Recommended Practice for Architectural
Description for Software Intensive ystems.
- Scope and Purpose changed to match Scope and Purpose language
from REVCOM submission.
22 September 2000
Basil Sherlund, the Architecture Working Group chair, informed AWG
that IEEE Std 1471 was approved by the IEEE Standards Board
today. The Standard will be published tomorrow. Camera-ready copy
has been prepared by the project editor, and reviewed by the AWG
technical editor.
22 October 2000
Press release on publication of
11 January 2001
IEEE Std 1471 User Group is
formed, as an open forum for discussion of IEEE 1471 usage.
March 2001
IEEE 1471 has been submitted to ANSI for approval as an American
National Standard. This submission is routine for all IEEE standards.
April 2001
"Introducing IEEE 1471", by Mark Maier, David Emery and Rich
Hilliard, appears in IEEE Computer, volume 34, number
4 (April 2001).
- 7 August 2001 ANSI makes IEEE 1471 an American
National Standard.
[Press release]
- 8 July 2005 IEEE 1471 could become an ISO standard.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 requested it be submitted for their
examination. This has been completed. Now, IEEE is submitting the
document to JTC1 for a fast-track ballot. The current idea is that
ISO would adopt IEEE 1471 following the ballot and that there would
then be a joint IEEE and ISO coordinated revision. The revision
would address integration of IEEE 1471 into the ISO and IEEE
software and systems engineering life cycles, and its coordination
with related standards, such as ISO RM-ODP (Reference Model for Open
Distributed Processing) and ISO GERAM (Enterprise Architecture
standards), and other topics.
- 30 March 2006 Following a five-month fast-track
ballot by ISO/IEC/JTC 1/SC 7, ISO/IEC Draft International
Standard 25961, Recommended Practice for Architectural
Description of Software-Intensive Systems
(Pratique recommandée pour la description
architecturale des systèmes exigeant beaucoup de
logiciels) was approved with comments. ISO/IEC DIS
25961 is the international version of ANSI/IEEE Std
1471. ISO and IEEE will undertake a revision to resolve
the comments received.
Resources for the ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 website provided by
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