Systems and software engineering — Architecture description
Calendar updated:
ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 Calendar: Events of Interest
Upcoming Events
- With publication of the Standard, there are no upcoming events at this time.
Past Events
- WG42 meeting in Reston, Virginia USA, 29 October – 2 November, 2012.
CompArch 2013, 17–21 June,
Vancouver, Canada
- WG42 meeting in Mumbai, 14–18 November 2011.
WICSA 2011: 9th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture,
in conjunction with CompArch: 21–24 June, Boulder, CO.
ECSA 2010
4th European Conference on Software Architecture,
23–26 August 2010, Copenhagen, DK
SHARK 2010
Fifth Workshop on SHAring and Reusing architectural Knowledge.
at ICSE 2–8 May, Cape Town, South Africa
ISO JTC1/SC7 WG42, 8–12 Nov 2009, Lima Peru
14 – 17 Sep 2009, Cambridge, UK
CompArch: Federated
Events on Component-Based Software Engineering and Software
Architecture, 24 – 26 June 2009, East Stroudsburg University,
East Stroudsburg, PA, USA
ISO JTC1/SC7 WG 42, 24 – 29 May 2009, Hyderabad, INDIA
SHARK 2009:
Fourth Workshop on SHAring and Reusing architectural Knowledge, 16 May 2009, at ICSE 2009, Vancouver, CANADA.
ISO JTC1/SC7 WG 42, 10–14 November 2008, in Monterrey,
MEXICO. Joint meeting of WG 42 and ISO/IEC TC 184/SC 5/WG1, in
colocation with Enterprise Integration, Interoperability and
Federated Events on Component-Based Software Engineering and
Software Architecture (COMPARCH), 14–17
October 2008, in Karlsruhe, GERMANY.
- WG 42, 19–23 May 2008 in Berlin, GERMANY
during the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 plenary. The meeting included joint
sessions with TC 184/SC 5/WG 1, to discuss harmonization with their
enterprise architecture standards (ISO 15704, ISO 14258, ISO 19439).
SHARK 2008:
Third Workshop on SHAring and Reusing architectural Knowledge,
13 May 2008 at ICSE 2008 in Leipzig, Germany.
WICSA 2008,
The conference for software architects by software architects.
18–22 February 2008, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
There were several IEEE 1471-related sessions at WICSA 2008:
BRBV, and
- ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 42: Working Group on Architecture, 29
Oct–3 Nov 2007, Montreal
CompArch 2007:
the Federated Events on Component-Based Software Engineering and
Software Architecture, 9–13 July 2007, Tufts University,
Medford, Massachusetts, USA.
the Second Workshop on SHAring and Reusing architectural Knowledge —
Architecture, rationale, and Design Intent, 19–20 May 2007,
Minneapolis, MN, USA, in conjunction with the International Conference
on Software Engineering (ICSE 2007).
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 42, 21–25 May 2007, Moscow, Russia
Workshop on Aspects in Architectural Description,
12 March 2007, at AOSD 2007
- WICSA 2007,
6–9 Jan 2007, Mumbai, India
First meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 42: Working Group on
30 Oct–3 Nov 2006, Seoul, Republic of Korea
25–31 August 2002
The Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture 2002,
Montreal, August 25–31.
19 May 2002
ICSE 2002 Workshop on Methods and Techniques for Software Architecture Review and Assessment.
In conjunction with the 2002 International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE'2002), 19–25 May 2002.
Orlando, Florida, USA
31 August 2001
Workshop on Architectural Viewpoints, in conjunction with WICSA 2001, Amsterdam.
18 July 2001
The Open Group Architecture Meeting, Austin, TX.
Mark Maier's keynote address,
"What do we mean by Architecture?"
and his presentation on
IEEE Std 1471.
27 June 2001
Presentation on IEEE 1471 by Ira Sachs to the ArchitecturePlus Seminar.
2 July 2001
Introducing IEEE 1471,
tutorial by David Emery,
Mark Maier,
INCOSE 2001 Melbourne, Australia.
15 May 2001
Workshop on Describing Software Architecture with UML,
in conjunction with ICSE'01, Toronto, Canada.
14 November 2000
"An Overview of IEEE 1471, Recommended Practice for Architectural
Description", presentation by Rich Hilliard on IEEE-Std-1471 to INCOSE
Delaware Valley Chapter meeting, Lockheed-Martin, Mt. Laurel, NJ.
- Working meeting on the guide to P1471, 19 and 20 April 2000 in
Frederick, MD. Host: Ron Kohl.
- Seminar on IEEE 1471, at The Enterprise Architectures Conference.
Ira S. Sachs, High Performance Technologies, Inc., 9 December 1999.
Guidebook meeting, 9 July 1999, Jefferson, MD. To continue development of
Guide companion to the P1471 Recommended Practice.
Host: Ron Kohl.
IEEE AWG ballot resolution meeting, 8 July 1999, The Aerospace
Corporation, Chantilly, VA.
IEEE AWG meeting 6 February 1999, Jefferson, MD. The purpose of this
meeting is strategy for development of the Guide (companion) to the
P1471 Recommended Practice (e.g., Guide vs. book).
Host: Ron Kohl.
IEEE AWG Participants meeting, 5–6 November 1998, Washington, DC.
Host: David Emery.
(This meeting has been CANCELLED. Next AWG meeting will
be posted as soon as it is scheduled.)
- IEEE AWG Participants meeting, 1–2 August 1998. Whistler, British
Columbia. In conjunction with INCOSE'98 Symposium. Host: David
- IEEE AWG Participants meeting, 30–31 May 1998, Boston, MA. At The
MITRE Corporation.
- IEEE AWG Participants meeting, 21–22 May 1998, Corte (France).
At University of Corsica, in conjunction with ATW'98, 6th Annual
Advanced Technology Workshop. Host: Walter Ellis.
- IEEE AWG Participants meeting, 28 February–1 March 1998, Los
Angeles, CA. In conjunction with the Ground Systems Architecture
Workshop'98. Host: Judy Kerner.
- IEEE AWG Participants meeting, 6–7 December 1997, in Dallas. The
purpose of the meeting is to begin work on the Guide
(companion) to the Recommended Practice. Contact the meeting host,
Ron Wade, for details.
- IEEE AWG Participants meeting, 2–7 December 1997, in Washington
D.C. It is intended as an intensive writing session to work on the
next draft of the Recommended Practice. Contact the meeting host,
David Emery, for details.
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